21. Which one is related with steriods ?
22. Which is used to prevent blood clotting in blood vessels ?
23. Which is to be used in production of swiss cheese ?
A. Monoscus Purpureus
B. Clostridium bacterium
C. Lacto Bacillus
D. Saecharhomyces Cerrevisiae
Answer : Option B
24. Which option is related with the utility of lectic acid ?
A. In fermantation, to prepare pickle
B. useful for preparing curd from milk
C. To increase the quality of vitamin \(B_{12}\)
D. All the given.
Answer : Option D
25. Which one is useful as a immunosuppresive agent in organ transplant ?
26. Which bacteria is useful for purification in sewage treatment ?
27. Which assertion is correct ?
A. There is role of ministry of forest and environment in developing biogas technology.
B. Micro organism are used as a bio control agent by IARI.
C. Biofertilisers are used over chemical fertilizer to redused pollution.
D. Chemical fertiliser are used to form biofertiliser.
Answer : Option C
28. To which, function baculo virus is involve ?
A. Produces deases some arthropods and insect.
B. Produces deases in todes neme.
C. Produces deases in fungus.
D. Produces Insectisides.
Answer : Option A
29. Which one is related with monoscus pupurous ?
A. Streptokinase - To prevent blood clotting.
B. Cyclosporin- A - Immunosuppresser
C. Stetins - Decreases the cholesterole in blood
D. All the given
Answer : Option C
30. Full form of BOD.
A. Biological Oxygen Demand
B. Bio Oxygen Demand
C. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
D. Biochemical Oxygen Degreadable
Answer : Option C