21. The term ‘karyokinesis’ is used for....
A. Disappearance of nuclear mimbrane during metaphase
B. Changes occuring at anaphase, when chromosomes move to the opposite poles.
C. Event occuring during interphase
D. Over all changes occurring in nucleus during the cell division.
Answer : Option D
22. How many mitotic divisions must occur in a cell to form 1024 cells ?
23. The difference in the division of a plant cell and animal cell is in.....
A. Cell membrane formation
B. Spindle formation
C. Movement of chromosomes from equatorial plane
D. Coiling of the chromosomes
Answer : Option A
24. During which phase of prophase-I of meiosis does the process of synapsis occur ?
In mitosis the daughter cells resemble to their parent cell. But in meiosis they differ not only from parent cell in having half the number of chromosomes, but also differ among themselves qualitatively in genetic constitution due to.....
A. Segragation and crossing over only
B. Independent assortment and segregation only
C. Crossing over, independent assortment and segregation
D. Independent assortment and crossing over only
Answer : Option C
26. Which is the longest phase of meitoic division ?
27. At which stage, the homologous chromosomes separate due to repulsion, but are yet held by chiasmata :
28. If there are four chromosomes present during prophase – I, how many chromosome are there in each cell at the end of anaphase - II
29. Meiosis – II is :
A. Cell division
B. Mitotic division
C. Commonly cell elongation
D. Reduction division
Answer : Option B
30. Significance of meiosis is associated with :
A. DNA duplication
B. Asexual reproduction
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Growth of the body
Answer : Option C