(A)The cytoplasm contain microbodies
(R)The microbodies are not bound by membrane.
A. Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true and reason (B) is correct explanation of the assertion A.
B. Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true but reason B is not a correct explanation of the assertion (A)
C. Assertion (A) is true but Reason (B) is false.
D. Assertion (A) is false but Reason B is true.
Answer : Option C
Select the Correct option from Cloumn-I and Column-II
Cloumn-I Column-II (P)Typical Animal Cell i. multinucleus (Q)Zygote ii. Uninucleus (R)Human RBC iii. Binucleus (S)Plant Endosperm iv. Nucleus is absent
A. P - iiQ - iii(C) R - iv(D) S - i
B. P - iiiQ - ii(C) R - i(D) S - iv
C. P - iiiQ - i(C) R - iv(D) S - ii
D. P - iQ - ii(C) R - iv(D) S - iii
Answer : Option A
Select the Correct option from Cloumn-I and Column-II
Cloumn-I Column-II P. Micro filaments i. Glycocalyx Q. Micro tubules ii Actin R. Flagella iii Tubulin S. Outer most layer of bacteria iv Flagellin
A. (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - iv) (S - iv)
B. (P - ii) (Q - iii) (R - i) (S - iii)
C. (P - ii) (Q - ii) (R - iv) (S - i)
D. (P - iv) (Q - i) (R - iii) (S - ii)
Answer : Option A
In Column-I Organell and in Column-II its function is given, select correct option
Cloumn-I Column-II P Mitochondria 1 Suicide bag Q Chloroplast 2 Synthesis of steroids R Lysosome 3 Photosynthesis S SER 4 ATP- formation and storage
A. (P - 4) (Q - 3) (R - 1) (S - 2)
B. (P - 2) (Q - 1) (R - 4) (S - 3)
C. (P - 4) (Q - 3) (R - 2) (S - 1)
D. (P - 1) (Q - 2) (R - 3) (S - 4)
Answer : Option A
Select the Correct option from Cloumn-I and Column-II
Cloumn-I Column-II P Robert Hook 1 Cell theory Q Robert Brown 2 Golgi apparats R Schieiden 3 Cell S Camilo Golgi 4 Nucleus
A. (P - 3) (Q - 4) (R - 1) (S - 2)
B. (P - 1) (Q - 2) (R - 4) (S - 3)
C. (P - 2) (Q - 1) (R - 3) (S - 4)
D. (P - 4) (Q - 2) (R - 1) (S - 3)
Answer : Option A
76. Select mismatch option
A. Centriole 9 + 0
B. Cillia 9 + 2
C. Fimbriae Conjugation
D. middle lamella Lignin
Answer : Option D
77. Select Correct option
A. Lysosome - Sucidal bag
B. Ribosome - Lipid synthesis
C. Mitochondria - Grana
D. SER - Prokaryotic Cell
Answer : Option A
78. Which asseration is false ?
A. Sucidal bag possess double layer structure
B. Mitochondria are self replicating organelles
C. Virchow give the final shape of the cell theory
D. Active transport occurs against the concentration gradient
Answer : Option A
79. What is main difference between active and passive transport?
A. Active transport occurs by ATP.
B. Active transport occurs fast.
C. Energy is necessary for passive transport.
D. Passive transport is a non-selective transport.
Answer : Option A
80. Where the Chlorophyll is present in chloroplast?
A. In thyllakoid
B. In Stroma
C. In grana and stroma
D. In outer membrane
Answer : Option A