41. Incomplete linkage in Drosophila produces off springs with parental and non-parental combinations.State the percentage of non parental combination of Drosophila.
42. What does the term recombination describe ?
A. Generation of non- parental gene combination
B. Generation of parental gene combination
C. Generation of internal gene combination
D. All of the above
Answer : Option A
43. A cross between hybrid and a parent is known as
44. Checkerboard method of calculations was developed by
45. Punnet square is used to know
A. outcome of a cross
B. probable result of a cross
C. Types of gametes
D. Number of gametes
Answer : Option B
46. First generation after a cross is
A. First filial generation
B. F1 gneratioon
C. Second filial generation
D. Both (A) and (B)
Answer : Option D
47. In humans , height shows a lot of variation . It is an example of
A. Multiple alleles
B. Pleiotropic inheritance
C. polygenic inheritance
D. False allelic inheritance
Answer : Option C
48. Meiosis produce 4 daughter cells but each daughter cell differ from one another because of
A. Crossing over
B. Independent assortment
C. Change in chromosome number
D. Both A & B
Answer : Option D
49. In T. H. Morgan"s Experiment on Drosophilia what will be the result when F1 female flies are crossed with double recessive male files ?
A. 83% parental combinations 17% Recombinations
B. 41.5 % parental combinations 58.5% recombinations
C. 60% parental combinations 40 % recombinations
D. 90 % parental combinations 10% Recombinations
Answer : Option A
50. which cross yielded a ratio of 7:1 :1:7 ?
A. Test cross (Dihybrid) - Bateson and punnet
B. Test cross (Monohybrid) - Bateson and punnet
C. Test cross (Dihybrid) - Carrel correns
D. Test cross ( Dihybrid) - Mendel & Morgan
Answer : Option A