1. Mammalian heart is
2. Granulocytes are
3. The largest corpuscle in the blood is
4. Thrombokinase is produced in
5. The chief difference between the erythrocytes of man and frog is
A. Human erythrocytes have more haemoglobin
B. Human erythrocytes have less haemoglobin
C. Human erythrocytes have no nuclei
D. Human erythrocytes have more nuclei
Answer : Option C
6. In mammals the opening of post canal in the right auricle is guarded by
A. Mitral valve
B. Thebesius valve
C. Eustachian valve
D. tricuspid valve
Answer : Option C
7. The volume of blood present in an adult human is
8. The instrument used for measuring blood pressure is known as
9. The heart murmur of heart is due to
A. Coronary thrombosis
B. Defective leady valve
C. Arterial pulse
D. under developed atrium
Answer : Option B
10. Thromboplastin is produced by
A. Damaged tissues
B. Blood platelets
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Prothrombin
Answer : Option C