91. Narrow distal part of stomach is
92. pHsuitable for ptyalin actions is
93. What will happen if bile duct gets choked ?
A. Faeces become dry
B. Acidic chyme will not be neutralised
C. There will be little digestion in intestine
D. Little absorption of fat will occur
Answer : Option B
94. Digestion of both starch and protein is carried out by
95. What is common among amylase,renin and trypsin ?
A. All proteins
B. Proteolytic enzymes
C. Produced in stomach
D. Act at pH lower then 7
Answer : Option A
96. Enterokinase is
A. Pancreatic hormone
B. Intestine hormone
C. Pancreatic enzyme
D. Component of Intestinal juice
Answer : Option D
97. Which enzyme initiates protein digestion ?
98. Enzyme which does not directly act upon food substrate is
99. Pepsin is secreted by
A. Peptic cells
B. Zymogen cells of stomach
C. Zymogen cells of duodenum
D. Pancreas
Answer : Option B
100. Pepsinogen is activated by