61. What is incorporated in pelvic girdle ?
A. Ilium, Ischium, pubis
B. llium, Ischium, Clavicle
C. Ilium, Ischium, Scapula
D. Humerus, Clavicle, scapula
Answer : Option D
62. Which bone is occurs in Shank ?
63. What is the number of cervical vertebrae in human ?
65. By the help of what amoeboid movement is possible ?
66. Which movement is seen in Paramoecium ?
67. Through what the movement of internal organs of body occur ?
A. Skeleton muscles
B. Voluntary muscles
C. Non-striated muscles
D. All type of muscles
Answer : Option C
68. It is type of non-striated muscles ?
A. Voluntary muscles
B. Skeleton muscles
C. Involuntary muscles
D. None of the given
Answer : Option C
69. Which is the functional unit of voluntary muscles ?
70. Where cardiac muscle is present ?