81. Nephridia of Earthworms are performing same functions as
A. gills of prawn
B. flame cells planaria
C. trachea of insects
D. nematoblasts of Hydra
Answer : Option B
82. Phylum of Taenia Solium is
83. Ascaris is found in
84. Which of the following animals has a true coelom ?
85. Metameric segmentation is the main feature of
86. In pheretima locomotion occurs with help of
A. circular muscles
B. longitudinal muscles and setae
C. circular, longitudinal muscles and setae
D. parapodia
Answer : Option C
87. Body cavity lined by mesoderm is called
88. Which of the following have the highest number of species in nature ?
89. Which of the following is a crustacean ?
90. The respiratory pigment present in cockroach is