21. Staff of Botanical garden gives understanding of_____________
A. Landscape gardening
B. Horticulture operations
C. Germ plasm bank
D. A and B both
Answer : Option D
22. Where the British museum of Royal Botanical Garden is located?
23. Where the Herbarium of forest research is located?
24. Where the New york Botanical Garden is located?
25. Where the Lyoid Botanical Garden is situated?
Match the following with correct combination
(A)Herbarium (a) Ex-situ conservation
(B)Botanical Garden (b) It provide key for Natural classification system
(C)Museum (c) Conservation of Natural Resorcis
(D)Zoological Park (d) Coservation of Biodiversity
A. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a
B. A-d, B-c, C-b, D-a
C. A-c, B-a, C-d, D-b
D. A-d, B-a, C-b, D-c
Answer : Option A
Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A)Central National Herbarium (a) Paris
(B)Herbarium of forest Research Institute (b) Kolkata
(C)British Museum of Royal Botanical Garden (c) Dehradoon
(d) England
Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A)Natural History Museum (a) France
(B)Government Museum (b) Mumbai
(C)Zoological Survey of India (c) Cheenai
(D)Museum of Natural History (d) Kolkata
A. A-a, B-c, C-b, D-d
B. A-d, B-c, C-a, D-b
C. A-b, B-c, C-d, D-a
D. A-d, B-b, C-a, D-c
Answer : Option C
Match the following with correct combination
Column-1 Column-2
(A)Fumigation system (p) Botanical Garden
(B)Conservation (q) Herbarium
(C)Ethenogallary (r) Zoological Park
(D)Ex-situ conservation (d) Museum
A. A-p, B-r, C-q, D-s
B. A-s, B-p, C-q, D-r
C. A-q, B-r, C-s, D-p
D. A-q, B-p, C-s, D-r
Answer : Option D
Find the correct statements for the following
(P)The mission of museum is preserve cultuaral heritage
(Q)Ex-situ conservation had been done in Zoological Park
(R)In-situ conservation had been done in Zoological Park
(S)Breeding of extinct species