
A : Ethylene inhibits logitudinal growth of root stem and leaves.

R : Ethylene is growth inhibitor, maturation hormone.

A. (a) A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. (b) A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. (c) A = correct, R = false

D. (d) A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option A

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A : Seed is active condensed plant.

R : It shows specific dormancy and get activated.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option A

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A : Adventitious roots develop by auxin in plants.

R : Auxin, removes the dominant effect of apical bud.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option B

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A : Cytokinin is cytoplasmic hormone.

R : Cytokinin induced cell division.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option D

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A : Nastism is undirectional.

R : Induced factors are essential for nastism.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option A

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A : Nastism is undirectional.

R : Induced factors are essential for nastism.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option C

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A : Flowering is natural phenomenon in plants.

R : If photoperiodism is fixed, increases flowering in plants.

A. A and R both correct, R is explanation of A.

B. A and R both correct but R is not explanation A.

C. A = correct, R = false

D. A = false, R = correct

Answer : Option B

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