111. In plants energy is produced during the process of
112. In respiration pyruvic acid is
A. Formed only when oxygen is available
B. One of the products of Krebs cycle
C. Broken down into a two carbon fragment and \(CO_2\)
D. A result of protlipid breakdown.
Answer : Option C
113. Maximum number of ATP is synthcsised during oxidation of
114. \(NADP^+\) is reduced to NADPH in
115. Incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration forms
A. Fructose and water
B. Glucose and \(CO_2\)
C. Alcohol and \(CO_2\)
D. Water and \(CO_2\)
Answer : Option C
116. Which of the following is the source of respiration ?
117. Raw material of respiration is
A. Glucose and fructose
B. Glucose and sucrose
C. Glucose + \(O_2\)
D. Glucose + \(CO_2\)
Answer : Option C
118. Respiration is found in
A. In all living cells in light
B. All living cells in dark
C. In all living cells both in light and dark
D. Only in nongreen cells both in light and dark
Answer : Option C
119. Anaerobic respiration is
A. Extramolecular respiration
B. Molecular respiration
C. Inter-molecular respiration
D. Intra-molecular respiration.
Answer : Option D
120. Total gain of energy in anaerobic respiration from one glucose molecule is