141. In bacteria the site for respiration is
142. Which is wrong about cytochrome P-450 ?
A. Contains iron
B. Is a coloured cell
C. Is an enzyme
D. Plays an important role in metabolism.
Answer : Option B
143. Production of alcohol by Yeast fermentation is ....... process
144. In glycolysis, enzyme enolasc produces
A. Phosphoglyceric acid
B. Phosphoenol pyruvate
C. Phosphoglyceraldehyde
D. Pyruvate
Answer : Option B
145. Oxygen is reduced to water in
146. Cytochrome is
A. Metalloflavoprotein
B. Fe-containing porphyrin pigment
C. Lipid
D. Glycoprotein
Answer : Option B
147. In respiration
A. 2 PGAL are formed in glycolysis and none in Krebs cycle
B. 6 PGAL in glycolysis, 3 PGAL in Krebs cycle
C. 8 PGAL in glycolysis, 3 PGAL in Krebs cycle
D. PGAL formation does not occur in respiration.
Answer : Option A
148. Glycolysis takes place in
149. Which is rich in energy
150. Which one requires oxygen
A. Fermentation
B. EMP pathway
C. Pentose phosphate pathway
D. None of the above
Answer : Option D