1. According to WHO, reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction like..
A. Physical, Emotional, Behavioral, Social
B. Physical, Mental, Health, Sexual Habits, Healthy body
C. Physical, Mental, Behevioural, Devlopment of sexual organs
D. Physical, Mental, Emtional, Social
Answer : Option A
2. What is the rank of India to kick off action plans and programs at national level to get total reproductive health as a social goal ?
3. What are the programs called to get total reproductive health as a social goal of national level ?
A. Family care
B. Family planning
C. Family organigation
D. Reproductive care
Answer : Option B
4. When was family planning initiated ?
5. By which name family planning is currently popular ?
A. Family and child care
B. Reproductive and chid care
C. Reproductive and child health care
D. Reproductive and child health.
Answer : Option C
6. What are the major tasks under reprouctive and child health care programs ?
A. Create awareness about reproductive health among people
B. Educate people about reproductive process
C. Establish reproductive health care in society
D. Both (a) and (c).
Answer : Option D
7. Which are the media to bring awarness about reproductive and child health care programs ?
8. How is information about reproductive health is given ib schools ?
A. By introducing sex education as a subject
B. By discussion
C. By orators on sex education
D. By arranging question-answer session.
Answer : Option A
9. What are the requirments for the successful implemenattion of sex education programs ?
A. Professional expertise
B. Materials and tools
C. Qntrastructure
D. All obove
Answer : Option D
10. What are the problems in reproductive health care which requires a doctor's help ?
A. Conception,parturition, abortion
B. Contracption, menstruction problem, infertility
C. STD s
D. All above
Answer : Option D