21. Exarch condition of xylem is found only in
22. Endodomis is always absent in
23. Which tissue is called a living mechanical tissne
24. Collenchyma Shows deposition of
25. In Which tissue deposition is seen outside the cells ?
26. Lignin is absent in
27. Bulliform cells are found in the leaves of
28. In hydrophytes, stomata are
A. Not required
B. Seen only on upper epidermis
C. Absent or rudimentary
D. Seen only on lower epidermis
Answer : Option C
29. Casparian Strips are found p on the
A. Walls of pericycle cells
B. Walls of endodermal cells
C. Walls of epidermal cells
D. Walls of bundle sheath cells
Answer : Option B
30. Which tissue provides elasticity to the young branches of the stem ?