31. Restriction enzymes are isolated chielfy from.......
32. There are special proteins that help to open up DNA double helix in front of thereaplication work . these proteins are......
33. Technology which uses living components for the welfare of human being is.....
34. Which prosess is involved in making bread cheese, beer and wine ?
A. Respiration / hydrolysis
B. Degradation
C. Fermentation
D. Decomposition
Answer : Option C
35. EFB stands for ........
A. European Foudation of Biotechnology
B. European Foundation of Biology
C. European Foundation of Biotechnology
D. European Foundation of Biology
Answer : Option C
36. The organism whoes gene have been artificially altered for desired efect is called as.......
A. genetically mutant organism
B. gene transfe
C. genetically modified organism
D. Genetically transferred organism
Answer : Option C
37. The sequence of DNA that reads the same backward and forward across the double strand is.......
A. Recipient sequence
B. palindromic sequence
C. Replicate sequence
D. origin sequence
Answer : Option B
38. How many restriction enzymes are known to be isolated ?
39. Which of the following step is necessary part of DNA recombination technology ?
A. Insertion of DNA fragment into vector
B. Insertion of vector into Bacteria
C. multiplication of the clones containing the recombination molecule
D. all above
Answer : Option C
40. Restriction enzymes belong to which class of enzymes ?