61. How many times do we breathe per day ?
63. It is first stem of the decomposition of organic compound.
A. Fragmentation- In body of Scavengers
B. Catabolism - In body of decomposer
C. Leaching - In soil
D. Catabolism - In soil
Answer : Option A
Autotrophs use [X] and Produces [Y], which is store as [Z], which of the given option is correct for
X, Y, and Z ?
A. Sunlight Nutrient Chemical
B. Energy Chemical energy Sunlight
C. Grass (Herb) Energy Starch
D. Sunlight Glycogen ATP
Answer : Option A
65. What is an Original Source of energy flow in any food chian ?
66. Immature fall of floral bud and fruits are observed in a farm, and on leaves Red and purple pigments spots are observed, In which of following place is Such Symptoms will not be observed in plants
67. who is responsible for the process like, Phosphate Containing Organic compound? Phosphate
A. Certain fungi
B. Certain algae
C. Certain Specific bacteria
D. All three
Answer : Option C
68. which of the following eco-system has highest annual primary productivity ?
A. Tropical deciduou forest
B. Tropical Rain forest
C. Temperate deciduou forest
D. Temperate Ever green forest.
Answer : Option B
69. Which of the following is not a functional unit of ecosystem ?
70. Which of the following associations do not establish functional interspeciific association ?