71. Which statement is correct ?
A. Plant uses CO2 during respiration.
B. Biomass of the plant is available to only herbivores.
C. In all CO2 acceptor plants, organic compounds are produce throudh photosynthesis.
D. All three.
Answer : Option C
72. It is the type of photosynthesis occurs in most of the plants ?
73. In which of the following alimentory canal, '' starch ? glucosen'' is prodused ?
A. Producer
B. Ist trophic layer
C. IInd trophic layer
D. All of types
Answer : Option B
Which is the correct options ?
Interspecific association Examples
(i) Reproductive (x) Producer ? Herbivorers ? Carnivores.
(ii) Productive (y) Animals and dispersion of fruit seed.
(iii) Nutritional (z) Mimicry
A. (i): Z (ii):X (iii): Y
B. (i): Z (ii): Y (iii): X
C. (i): Y (ii): Z (iii): X
D. (i):Y (ii): X (iii) : Z
Answer : Option C
75. In an ecosystem, Which of the following is unidirectional ?
76. Who is first to receive Phosphate released through leaching in phosphate cycle ?
77. Which of the following is not a pair of Gaseous cycle ?
78. What is indicated by Pyramid of number ?
A. Number of individuals at every trophic layer.
B. Species belonging to a particular region.
C. Number of member of biotic- community
D. None of the given.
Answer : Option A
79. Which of the following has maximun importance (value) in grass- land.
A. Secondary Production
B. Net Production
C. Tetiacry Prroduction
D. Total Production.
Answer : Option D
80. Grass ? cow? lion. If productivity of grass is 5000 kg/ Meter/ year. Then What will be the productivity of lion ? (In general)