31. From where the large intestine starts ?
32. Which of the following is the smallest digestive duct ?
33. The layers of wall of digestive duct from inner to outer are.......
A. Muscular layer, Submucosa, Serosa, Mucosa
B. Serosa, Submucosa, Mucosa,Muscular layer
C. Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscular layer, Serosa
D. Mucosa, Muscular layer, Submucosa, Serosa
Answer : Option C
34. (34) Which layer surrounds the cavity of digestive track ?
35. By what the muscular layer is surrounded ?
A. Serosa and Mucosa
B. Serosa and SubMucosa
C. Mucosa and SubMucosa
D. Mucosa and Serosa
Answer : Option B
36. What are Goblet cells ?
A. Mucus secreting cells
B. Absorbing cells
C. Enzyme secreting cells
D. Phagocytic cells
Answer : Option A
37. (37) By which tissue membrane, liver is covered ?
A. Areolar tissue
B. Epidermal tissue
C. Connective tissue
D. Muscle tissue
Answer : Option C
38. (38) In which organ bile juice produced ?
39. In which organ bile juice functions?
40. Where the digestion of food is started ?