41. Which enzymres are in the composition of gastric juice ?
A. Ptylin, Renin, Lipase
B. Pepsin, Ptylin, Renin,
C. Lipase Pepsin, Renin,
D. Ptylin, Lipase,Pepsin
Answer : Option C
43. Function of lysozyme.......
A. Anti bacterial agent
B. Absorption
C. Digestion of lipid
D. Transport of food
Answer : Option A
44. Which is the important enzymes of gastric juice ?
45. By what Trypsinogen is converted into Trypsin ?
46. What is digesteg by trypsin ?
47. Protein
A. Polypeptide, Aminao acids
B. Proteoses, Peptons
C. Polypeptide, Peptons
D. Polypeptide, Disaccharides
Answer : Option B
48. Protein
A. Diglyceraldehydes, Monoglyceraldehydes
B. Glycerol, Fatty acids
C. Polypeptide, Aminao acids
D. )Dipeptide, Aminao acids
Answer : Option C
49. Lipids
A. Diglyceraldehydes, Monoglyceraldehydes
B. Dinucleotides, Mononucleotides
C. Dipeptide, Peptieds
D. Fatty acids, Aminao acids
Answer : Option A
50. Maltose
A. Glucose, Fructose
B. Glucose, Galectose
C. Glucose, Sucrose
D. Glucose, Glucose
Answer : Option D