31. Carl Linnaeus is famous for ........
A. coining the term ‘systematics
B. introducing binomial nomenclature
C. giving all natural system of classification
D. all of these
Answer : Option B
32. True species are ........
A. interbreeding
B. sharing the same niche
C. feeding on the same food
D. reproductively isolated
Answer : Option D
33. The smallest unit of classification is .......
34. Who coined the term ‘taxonomy’ ?
35. Basic unit of classification of organisms is ......
36. The unit of classification containing concrete biological entities is .......
37. Species are considered as ........
A. real basic units of classification
B. the lowest units of classification
C. artificial concept of human mind which cannot be defined in absolute terms
D. real units of classification devised by taxonomists
Answer : Option A
38. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for .......
A. interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
B. reproduction
C. growth and movement
D. responsiveness to touch
Answer : Option B
39. Two plants can be conclusively said to belong to the same species if they ....
A. have more than 90% similar genes
B. look similar and possess identical secondary metabolites
C. have same number of chromosomes
D. can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds
Answer : Option D
40. Natural system of classification given by ........