41. How many pathogenss cause sexually trasmitted diseases through contacts ?
Match following coloumns according to thair age group and amount of sexually transmitted
Column-I Column-II
(P) 15-19 (i) medium / moderate
(Q) 20-24 (ii) less
(R) 25-29 (iii) very less
(S) 30-34 (iv) more
A. P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii
B. P-ii, Q-iv, R-i, S-iii
C. P-ii, Q-iv, R-i,S-iii
D. P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
Answer : Option C
43. Which microbes cause gonorrhoead ?
A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
B. Treponema pollidium
C. Herpis simplex
D. Tricomonas vaginatis
Answer : Option A
44. Which microbes cause syphilis ?
A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
B. Treponema pollidium
C. Herpis simplex
D. Tricomonas vaginalis
Answer : Option B
45. Which are the main method for the diagnosis of STDS ?
A. By detection of antibodies in blood.
B. Identification of pathogen by culturing them
C. Through a short polynucleotide chain of pathogenic organism
D. With the help of Primer
Answer : Option B
46. Which diseases is diagnosed through ELISA Test ?
47. Which diseases is diagnosed by the identification of antibiodies against antigen ?
48. Give full form of ELISA ?
A. Enzyme Linked Immuno Absorbant Assay
B. Enzyme Linking Immuno Assay
C. Enzyme Live Implantations Assay
D. Enzyme Live Immuno Absorbant
Answer : Option A
49. What is the full form of PCR ?
A. Primary Chain Reaction
B. Polymerase Chain Reaction
C. Polymerase Cytosine Reaction
D. Primary Cytosine Reaction
Answer : Option B
50. Which are the principles to prevent STD diseases ?
A. Avoid sex with umknown persons
B. Always use condom during coitus
C. In case of doubt consult a doctor and get treatment if the disease is diagnosed
D. All above
Answer : Option D