
Statement A - Intra Uterine method of family planning is permanent.
Reason R - Copper T is included in it.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option D

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Statement A - contraceptive pills are taken orally.
Reason R - Projesteron and estrogen are compoundly present in it.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option A

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Statement A - contraceptive pills are taken orally.
Reason R - Projesteron and estrogen are compoundly present in it.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option D

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Statement A - "Saheli" pills are produced in CDRI lucknow.
Reason R - "Saheli" pills have high contracaptive value.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option B

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Statement X - Two method of family planning a vasectomy and tubectomy are permanent
barrier methods.
Reason R - In which a small portion of vas deferens and fallopian tube are removed.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option A

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Statement A - In natual methods of family planning withdrawal or interruption coitus method is not
completly reliable.
Reasons R - At 14th day of menstruation cycle ovulation occur.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option B

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Statement -A-volunatary termination of pregnancy before foetus become viable in called MTP.
Reason R-It is debatable in many countries.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option D

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Statement-A-Abortion is illegal in our country.
Reason R-when conception is due to the rape.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option B

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Statement A-STDs is a major problem in our country.

Reason R-Seen more in 15-19 age group.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option C

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Statement A-Culture of pathogenic microbes is main diagnostic test for STD.
Reason R-With the help of this microbes can be identified.

A. A is correct but R is an explaination of X.

B. A is correct but R done give correct explaination of X

C. A is correct and reason R is wrong.

D. A is not correct and reason R is correct.

Answer : Option A

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