What true for the following statements ?
Statement X : During evolution many species, by continous development of their
internal environment, made their physiologycal processes more efficient.
Statement Y : Orgenisms show adaptations in order to survive in the enviornment
42. In which of the following organism water is stored in its transformed from and not water as such ?
43. Which path is followed by plants as a part of adaptation in an ecosystem where Kangaroo rat is living ?
Which is true for the following statements ?
Statement X : Cursorial animals have spindle shaped body
Statement Y : Because of narrow head they can prepare burrow properly
45. What is the temperature at which archeobacteria can survive ?
To whom can we correlate the young one developing from the eggs of Daphnis which are laid at
normal room temperature ?
(i) queen bee (ii) worker bee (iii) male (drone) bee
Which is appropriate option if we take ‘T’ for correct statement and’F’ for wrong statement ?
(i) Energy pyramids are always upright.
(ii) Detritus food chain begins with dead organic matter
(iii) C4 path is the only path seen in xerophytes
(iv) Biodiversity is less in equatorial region because of more sunlight
(v) At normal Temperature daphnis lays parthenogenetic eggs. which develops into male(0? )
Increase and decrease in a population in one of the places in USA, because of sandy cyclone is
given below.
Which type of graph is possible for total no. of individuals in a population v/s month ?
Month Birth rate Imigration Death Emigration
July 40 100 30 20
August 100 200 50 45
September 200 800 100 10
October 100 -- 5000 3000
49. Hygroscopic skin is seen in.....
50. What is true for marine animals ?
A. Because of exosmosis they drink sea water
B. As they drink sea water exosmosis occurs
C. Because of exosmosis body fluid become hypotonic, so they drink sea water
D. None of these
Answer : Option A