21. Producers --->Decomposers ---->’X’, then what will be ‘X’ ?
In given chart,what is the problem seen in living organism staying in‘X’ denoted area ?
A. endosmosis
B. exosmsis
C. a & b both
D. geting water and maintaing it.
Answer : Option C
What is correct for the given statement ?
Statement P : Environmental study is linked with ecology
StatementQ : Ecology is included in environmental study.
A. Both statement are true
B. Both statement are wrong
C. P is right and Q is wrong
D. P is wrong and Q is right
Answer : Option A
24. What is the vital Index, if Birht rate is 0 and Death rate = 5 ?
25. If the Birth rate is 10 and death rate is 0 then what is VITAL INDEX ?
Which is appropriate for the following statement ?
Statement X : Pacific salmon fish reproduces only once in its life time.
Statement Y : In a reproductive season it lays 2,80,000,000 eggs.
27. Mycobiont Supplies X to phycobiont and phycobiont supplies Y to mycobiont, then what is true for X and Y ?
A. X : Mineral element ; Y : Habitat
B. X : organic nutrients ; Y : Inorganic Nutrient
C. X : Habitat Y : protection
D. X : Minerals Y : organic nutrients
Answer : Option D
28. A plant formed by the combination of algae and fungi is a pioneer of which type of succession ?
29. Y X ? having interspecific relations in which animal which is not affected is X shows excretory orgndds which are also seen in Y and is Z located in its gills then.... what are X,Y,Z - ?
A. X = Termite Y = flagelates Z = Tentacles
B. X = shank Y = Tortoise Z = Chlorine cell
C. X = shank Y = fish Z = chlorine secreting cells
D. All of these (above)
Answer : Option C
what does the given graph shows
A. (i) Community Ecology (ii) Population Ecology (iii) Population Ecology
B. (i) Population Ecology (ii) Community Ecology (iii)Ecosystem Eclogy
C. (i) Population Ecology (ii) Community Ecology(iii) Community Ecology
D. None of these
Answer : Option C