According to statements find the correct option :
1. Blood connects every cells, tissue and organs of body.
2. Blood is known as connective tissue proper.
3. Blood plasma constituted about 45 % of blood.
4. Blood is light yellow coloured and slightly viscous extra cellular fluid.
According to statements find the correct option :
1. Stuart factors are activated by : IX, VIII, IV and Phospholipid
2. Intitiated factors of this system are derived from the blood plasma
3. In intrinsic pathway blood clotting stats
4. PTA is activated by XIIa
According to statements find the correct option :
1. Stuart factors are activated by : IX, VIII, IV and Phospholipid
2. Intitiated factors of this system are derived from the blood plasma
3. In intrinsic pathway blood clotting stats
4. PTA is activated by XIIa
What P and Q indicate in the given figure ?
A. Thromboplast, Proaccelerin
B. Prothrombin, Fibrinogen
C. Globulin, FSF
D. Plasma thromboplastin, Fibrin stabilizing
Answer : Option B
What P and Q indicate in the given figure ?
A. Pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein
B. Anterior vena cava, Dorsal aorta
C. Pulmonary artery, Vena cava
D. Pulmonary vein, Dorsal aorta
Answer : Option C
Mention the name of A and B in the given figure
A. Right ventricle, Left ventricle
B. Aorta valve, Right atrium
C. Bicuspid valve, Tricuspid valve
D. Left atrium, Right ventricle
Answer : Option C
Which type of blood flows in P and Q indicating parts ?
A. Oxygenated in both
B. Deoxygenated in both
C. Oxygenated, Deoxygenated
D. Deoxygenated, Oxygenated
Answer : Option A
A and B in the figure indicate which state ?
A. Ventricle systole, Atrium systole
B. Ventricle diastole, Atrium diastole
C. Filling of blood in ventricle, Atrium systole
D. Ventricle systole, Blood flow out
Answer : Option C
Mention the name of P in the given figure :
A. Deoxygenated blood enters into lungs
B. Oxygenated blood flows outside the lungs
C. Oxygenated blood flows toward the body
D. Deoxygenated blood flows from the body
Answer : Option C
Mention the name of P in the given figure.
A. Deoxygenated blood flows from the body
B. Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs
C. Oxygenated blood flows toward the body
D. Deoxygenated blood enters into lungs
Answer : Option C