91. The pulse beat is measured by the
92. Carotid artery carries
A. Impure blood from brain
B. Oxygenated blood to anterior region of body or to brain
C. Impure blood to kidney
D. Oxygenated blood to heart
Answer : Option B
93. Carotid artery carries
A. Impure blood from brain
B. Oxygenated blood to anterior region of body or to brain
C. Impure blood to kidney
D. Oxygenated blood to heart
Answer : Option B
94. Oxygenated blood to heart
A. Pulmonary artery
B. Pulmonary vein
C. Carotid artery
D. Coronary artery
Answer : Option B
95. The diaphragm is supplied blood by
A. Cardiac artery
B. Phrenic artery
C. Lingual artery
D. Lumber artery
Answer : Option B
96. Iliac artery carries blood to the
97. The structure of which of the following consist of a layer of single cell thickness
Make correct pairs.
Column I Column II Column III
P. Basophils T. 1 To 40 % i. Kill micro organism
Q. Lymphocytes U. 40 to 70 % i i. Active phaagoacytes
R. Neutrophils V. 20 to 45 % iii. Allergens]
S. Acidophils W. 0 to 1 % iv. Immunity
A. (P-W-ii), (Q-V-iv), (R-U-ii),(S-T-i)
B. (P-T-ii),(Q-U-iv),(R-V-iii), (S-W-i)
C. (P-W-ii),(Q-V-iii),(R-T-i),(S-U-iv)
D. (P-V-i),(Q-U-iii),(R-W-iv),(S-T-ii)
Answer : Option A
Make correct pairs :
Column I Column II
P. water i. Immunity
Q. Fibrogen ii. Solvent of substance
R. Albumin iii. Blood clotting
S. Globulin iv. Regulation of osmosis
According to statements find the correct option :
1. The composition of lymph is very much like that of the blood.
2. Lymph is resposible for immunity.
3. Lymphocytes added when lymph passes through small capillaries
4. Lymph is contain less fibrinogen than blood plasma