71. In the heart of mammals the bicuspid valve is situated between
A. Left auricle and left ventricle
B. Post caval and right caval
C. Right auricle and left auricle
D. Right ventricle and pulmonary aorta
Answer : Option B
72. The auriculo ventricular node in human heart was discovered by
73. The beating of heart of man is heard on the left side because
A. The left ventricle is toward the left side
B. Both the ventricles are towards the left side
C. Entire heart is on the left side
D. The aorta is on the left side
Answer : Option D
74. Purkinje’s fibres are special types of
A. Muscle fibres located in heart
B. Nerve fibres located in cerebrum
C. Connective tissue fibers joining one bone to another bone
D. Sensory fibers extending from retina into optic nerve
Answer : Option A
75. The pericardium and the pericardial fluid help in
A. Protecting the heart from friction, shocks and keeps it moist
B. Pumping the blood
C. Receiving the blood from various parts of the body
D. None of the above
Answer : Option A
76. For reaching left side of heart, blood must pass through
77. The posterior venacava
A. Divides into the hepataic portal veins
B. Opens into the left auricle
C. Commences at the kidney
D. Begins at the hind end of abdomen
Answer : Option D
78. Open circulatory system is present in(p) Arthropods (q) Annelids (R) Chordates (S) Molluscs (except cephalopods)
79. ‘Heart of heart’ is
80. An oval depression called fossa ovalis is seen on
A. Inter atrial septum
B. Inter ventricular septum
C. Right auriculo - ventricular septum
D. Left auriculo - ventricular septum
Answer : Option A